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Rose or Peony Image by Angela Groenendijk


I am a degree-qualified clinical naturopath

helping women of all ages to improve their health

so they can feel vibrant and energetic. 

In the spirit of reconciliation, I acknowledge and pay respect to the Noongar ancestors, Elders and descendants of the Whadjuk land upon which I live and work.  


I acknowledge the profound and enduring knowledge of the Noongar people in the use of native plants and their contributions to herbal medicine. I recognise the rich diversity of plants and the wisdom of traditional practices that have been passed down through generations.


I acknowledge that the land and its resources are a gift, and I strive to work in harmony with the land, its custodians, and the wider community. I express my gratitude for the opportunity to live and work on this beautiful land, and I extend my respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia.


I am mindful that these Lands always were and always will be Aboriginal Land.

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Rose or Peony Image by Angela Groenendijk
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